Sr. Jennifer

Sr. Jennifer Fletcher
Hometown: Denton, Texas
Current placement and ministry: Salisbury convent.
What did you do before joining the Little Sisters? I was a Home Health Aide.
When did you start thinking about a religious vocation? I was 11 and the Lord kept calling me. Finally the Holy Spirit placed within me a desire to be near God and work with the poor.
What attracted you to the Little Sisters? Their strength and honest desire to help the poor. Sr. Mary Elizabeth really drew me in with her charism.
What are the most rewarding aspects of religious life? Being close to the poor who are very Christ-like and being about to explore my spiritual longing toward Jesus.
What are the more challenging aspects of religious life? Keeping a balance between prayer and work, at least sometimes.
What’s a special memory you have of living in community? My relationship with one of the Sisters (Sr. Joan) who has since passed away. She was my best friend. We traveled together a lot.
What’s a special memory you have of ministering to others? Working in the Hospitality Room with the homeless and knowing that some made their own way.
Is there a passage from Scripture that is especially meaningful to you? “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, and whoever receives one child such as this in My name receives Me” (Matthew 18:4-5).
What spiritual practices and devotions are important to you? The devotion to Mary.
What are your hobbies and special interests? What do you do for fun? Painting, drawing, and choreographing my own dance moves.