What We Do
The Joseph House puts love of neighbor into action.
Through our ministries, we serve one another with charity and compassion. We hear the cries of the poor and relieve the suffering of poverty. We bring people together and create communities of care. We work to instill hope, strengthen families, and affirm the dignity of all people.
Our work is housed in two places: the Joseph House Crisis Center and the Joseph House Workshop. Both are in Salisbury, Maryland.
The Crisis Center is for people who need food or help paying their bills. There is also a day shelter for men and women who are homeless.
The Workshop is a long-term residential program that helps homeless men get back on their feet.
Our volunteers bring to the Joseph House a beautiful ecumenical spirit. Working with the Little Sisters, they give personal and loving attention to those in need.
In the words of our founder, Sr. Mary Elizabeth Gintling:
“Our work with the poor, oppressed and troubled is our source of life and breath. Families without shelter, food, decent drinking water, clothing, and medicine, as well as those who are victims of the system, are the target of our services and prayers. Helping prevent evictions, mortgage foreclosures, the turn-off of gas, electric, and water, budgeting and counseling, instructing and praying, sharing tears and laughter, are our daily activities.”