
Newsletter: April 2024

Newsletter: April 2024

Dear Friends of Joseph House: The fair season of spring has arrived, and on the Eastern Shore the days feel fresh and full of possibilities. Soon enough the humidity and mosquitoes will come, but for now going outside is pleasant, and we enjoy spending a quiet moment to look at the blossoms in our convent…

Newsletter: March 2024

Newsletter: March 2024

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Last month, February 14th to be exact, was the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Joseph House Crisis Center. These milestones have a way of sneaking up on us, and this one was no different. We marked the occasion by serving a special cake in our Soup Kitchen that…

Newsletter: February 2024

Newsletter: February 2024

Dear Friends of Joseph House: It’s the middle of winter and cold and dreary outside, but the days are getting longer and though we can’t see it, we know spring is on the way. The change is slow and gradual but persistent. God shows us that another name for hope is patience. Likewise, in serving…

Newsletter: January 2024

Newsletter: January 2024

Dear Friends of Joseph House: We began New Year’s Day the way we begin every day, sitting quietly in our chapel in the early morning light, letting go of our thoughts, settling down, settling in, and just being present. We might have things to do and places to go, but our first appointment is always…

Newsletter: December 2023

Newsletter: December 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Setting up the nativity scene is always one of the highlights of our celebration of Christmas. Our set was made by Rose-Anne Monna, a Canadian artist and friend of our community (photo below). We have the stable, the sheep and donkey, Mary and Joseph, and then front and center, the…

Newsletter: November 2023

Newsletter: November 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Twenty-five years ago, we renovated and expanded the Joseph House Crisis Center. One of the main additions was the Hospitality Room, which is a day shelter for men, women, and children experiencing homelessness. It is often a busy place. Here is a report about this ministry from Sr. Virginia, who…

Newsletter: October 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Our days at the Joseph House are usually pretty full. In addition to overseeing the Crisis Center and the Workshop, we attend to any number things that often pop up without notice. We might need to deliver food to someone whose car is inoperable, buy a week’s worth of milk…

Newsletter: September 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: The last few months have been tough for our Joseph House family. Our Sr. Clare died of cancer last May, and in July we tragically lost Gregory Dennis, a Crisis Center staff member, in a hit-and-run accident. Two sharp blows, one after the other. We carry on (we have no…

Newsletter: August 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: God has blessed the Joseph House in many ways, and one of the greatest is the commitment of all the people who hold it together. There are some people here who measure their service in decades, whether as sisters, volunteers or supporters. They’re in it for the long haul. They…

Newsletter: July 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Our actions bring to life our beliefs, values, commitments, and convictions. If our actions were the pages of a book, what would the story tell? Reflecting on the life of Sr. Clare, her book would tell a story of sacrifice in order to care for others, of being generous with…