Joseph House Workshop

An Artistic Remembrance

An Artistic Remembrance

The Joseph House Workshop is a long-term, residential program for men who were homeless. It helps them develop new skills as they begin new lives. Sr. Virginia’s art classes are a valuable component of the program. They provide our residents with a creative avenue for personal growth. Art is a healthy means of self-expression, and…


Remembering Dave Pogge

We were saddened to hear that Dave Pogge, former president and CEO of Mountaire, died on August 26. Dave was a friend of our community and a generous supporter of the Joseph House. In fact, we have Dave to thank for the Joseph House Workshop. He did many other things for us as well. Sr….

Newsletter: August 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: God has blessed the Joseph House in many ways, and one of the greatest is the commitment of all the people who hold it together. There are some people here who measure their service in decades, whether as sisters, volunteers or supporters. They’re in it for the long haul. They…

Newsletter: August 2022

Dear Friends of Joseph House: The heaviness of the daily news can be oppressive like the summer’s heat. Suffering, violence, and hatred seem to be everywhere, and there just isn’t a quick fix to the troubles of the world. But every day we can plant seeds of peace, of hope, and of change. Invisible to…

Newsletter: January 2022

Dear Friends of Joseph House: January is the sunrise of the year, the dawn of a new beginning. For us Little Sisters, there’s a prayer we say at the start of each day, and it seems to be fitting as we go forth into another year. It is the Abandonment Prayer of Charles de Foucauld:…

Newsletter: May 2021

Dear Friends of Joseph House: To be homeless means more than just being without shelter. It means to go without everything implied by the word “home.” Imagine not having a bed to sleep in or a bathroom to use. Imagine not having a kitchen, with no refrigerator or freezer to store your food and no…