25 Years Ago We Built the Hospitality Room

The Joseph House Crisis Center has a long history of transformation. Before it opened in 1984, the building was a warehouse that belonged to the Campbell Soup Company, which had a plant next door. Wicomico County was leasing the warehouse to store voting machines. After the Mayor’s Office and community leaders arranged for the Little Sisters to use it, the entire building was renovated, upgraded, and outfitted to be an efficient, multi-function social service center, aka the Joseph House Crisis Center. There was room for three departments: Financial Assistance for Emergencies, a Food Pantry, and a Soup Kitchen. (Our February 2021 Newsletter looked back on the renovation and has some photos.)
The Crisis Center was a busy place from the start. Within a couple of years it was apparent that more space was needed. And to our founder, something was missing: she wanted to add a drop-in center for men and women who were experiencing homelessness. The only solution was to build a wing onto the existing structure. Twenty-five years ago, in 1998, that’s what we did.
With a sizable contribution from volunteer labor, we expanded the waiting room, built a new dining room and added space for the Hospitality Room for the Homeless. Afterwards, there was a lot of painting to do. The photos below bring back memories and make us realize how quickly time passes — it’s hard to believe the late ’90s were 25 years ago.
We also see God’s Providence at work, never failing to give us what we need when we need it. And the right people are always there at the right time. God’s Providence comes alive through their love and generosity, and their smiling faces remind us how close at hand it is.
A few of the people who worked on the project, and in the Hospitality Room during the early years, have passed on: Derek, Fran, Andy, Sr. Joan. They did their work, left their mark, and though countless people benefit from what they did and don’t know who they are, God knows, and that’s really all that anyone can hope for.
Twenty-five years is a milestone. It’s a time to pause and reflect on the goodness of God and to give thanks. May the Joseph House Crisis Center be a blessing for all who pass through its doors.
Our Soup Kitchen dining room recently reopened after being closed during the pandemic. Look for more about the Hospitality Room next month in our Newsletter.