
Newsletter: September 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: The last few months have been tough for our Joseph House family. Our Sr. Clare died of cancer last May, and in July we tragically lost Gregory Dennis, a Crisis Center staff member, in a hit-and-run accident. Two sharp blows, one after the other. We carry on (we have no…

A Little Piece of Heaven

Over the summer, we have been putting in a little extra effort to fix up our convent property in Salisbury. With new plants and some yard maintenance, our outdoor space, humble as it is, gives a little more glory to our Creator. Our gratitude for the labor goes to a few friends of our community….

Newsletter: August 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: God has blessed the Joseph House in many ways, and one of the greatest is the commitment of all the people who hold it together. There are some people here who measure their service in decades, whether as sisters, volunteers or supporters. They’re in it for the long haul. They…

Newsletter: July 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Our actions bring to life our beliefs, values, commitments, and convictions. If our actions were the pages of a book, what would the story tell? Reflecting on the life of Sr. Clare, her book would tell a story of sacrifice in order to care for others, of being generous with…

Newsletter: June 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Nine years after starting the Joseph House, our founder thought it needed a change in focus. The year was 1974 and Sr. Mary Elizabeth had just begun forming our community, the Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary, in Baltimore. She thought it was time to provide conferences and days of…


Sr. Clare Quinn

On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, Sr. Clare of the Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary, formerly Diane Quinn , 77, was called from the Sisters’ home in Princess Anne, Maryland to her Home with the Lord. Born in Baltimore on October 28, 1945, Diane Carol Douglas was the only child of Ruth H. Clopein Douglas…

Newsletter: May 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Our mission at the Joseph House is to help people in crisis situations, no matter what their needs may be. It doesn’t matter if it’s rent or an electric bill or medical care or anything else—if we can verify the need, and we have the means to help, we go…

Newsletter: April 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: As you know from reading our monthly Newsletter, we attend to many people who come to the Joseph House Crisis Center. Sometimes people travel a considerable distance because they’re desperate and afraid of losing their housing or having their utilities turned off. But not everyone is able to come to…

Newsletter: March 2023

Dear Friends of Joseph House: Last month we presented some thoughts on the Good Samaritan courtesy of Pope Benedict. We’d like to do a little more with help from Pope Francis this time, who wrote an excellent commentary on the parable in his encyclical, On Fraternity and Social Friendship. Francis takes a look at each…