Joseph House


25 Years Ago We Built the Hospitality Room

The Joseph House Crisis Center has a long history of transformation. Before it opened in 1984, the building was a warehouse that belonged to the Campbell Soup Company, which had a plant next door. Wicomico County was leasing the warehouse to store voting machines. After the Mayor’s Office and community leaders arranged for the Little…


Remembering Dave Pogge

We were saddened to hear that Dave Pogge, former president and CEO of Mountaire, died on August 26. Dave was a friend of our community and a generous supporter of the Joseph House. In fact, we have Dave to thank for the Joseph House Workshop. He did many other things for us as well. Sr….


In Remembrance: Anne Cuomo

Anne Cuomo, one of our many wonderful volunteers, passed away on February 3, 2021, from COVID-19. She was a special friend of our community. After earning her B.A. in Mathematics, Anne worked for 34 years in the field of computer and software management for the Department of Defense. Her husband Peter died in 1986, and…

Men with Hope and Purpose

The Joseph House Workshop is a long-term residential program for men who were homeless. It help them advance toward gainful employment and healthy new lives. Here is an interview with Nick, Assistant Director, who is also a Workshop graduate: How many men are in the program? We have 4 men here now; one is in…

A United Family

From its beginning more than 50 years ago, the Joseph House has relied on volunteers in its mission to serve people in need. Our founder, Sr. Mary Elizabeth Gintling, believed that just as important as helping people, was giving to others the opportunity to get personally involved in providing that help. April 19-25 is National…

A New Look at the Workshop

The COVID-19 pandemic is requiring many people to stay at home to help curb the spread of the virus. Some are taking advantage of this time to tackle do-it-yourself projects around the house. The men residing at the Joseph House Workshop had a head start on this idea. They recently finished a major painting project…