
Looking Back On 50 Years [Video]

This is how Sr. Mary Elizabeth Gintling once recounted the story of how she began the Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary:

“I started in 1974, I don’t know how. I had already begun what we call Joseph House, which is our apostolate, and I was doing that as a layperson with other lay people, but knowing that I was waiting for the first vocation to come.

“So I think it was nine years after I started Joseph House that a young lady came to be a helper, and I recognized that she had a vocation, so the two of us decided that we would start.

“And so we went to a bishop and we said to him would he mind if we tried it? And if it didn’t work, well it was a sign from God. He said, well, it was a free country, and if we wanted to try it just try it. And I thought, well, evidently he doesn’t know anymore about it than I do! So from all that ignorance we got started.”

In her self-deprecating way, Sr. Mary Elizabeth neglected to mention that she started from more than just ignorance, she started from faith — a tremendous amount of faith. She trusted God and she trusted the soundness of her calling. And before anything else, she trusted because of her love for God. When we look at the origin of our community, that’s what we see.

Getting started on July 7, 1974, was just the first step. There were many more that lay ahead. Now fifty years later here we are. There have been a couple of very special occasions during the past five decades, but most days have been ordinary. But are they any less special?

On the occasion of this golden anniversary, we give humble thanks to God for this life of grace. We also remember with much affection all of the women who have been part of this community, our friends and benefactors (on earth and in heaven), and of course our founder, Sr. Mary Elizabeth Gintling.

Below is a video showing photos of our ministry and community life from over the years. Hopefully what comes across is the joy of being a witness to God’s goodness and provident care, as our charism calls us to be.

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 107:1)