Newsletter: February 2025
Dear Friends of Joseph House:
The Gospel has a freshness and clarity that never diminishes. It is always new and never antiquated, always relevant and never out of touch. It speaks to us because the words have the power of the Holy Spirit.
In the Gospel according to John, Jesus says, “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (13:34).
This is not really a “new” commandment. For example, we are told to love one another in the Book of Leviticus (19:18). What makes it new is that Jesus presents Himself as the standard by which we measure our love: As I have loved you. . .
The Gospel is filled with examples of how Jesus loved others: the woman at the well, the man born blind, the woman caught in adultery, the woman with a hemorrhage, the crowd with no food, to name just a few. His love is always healing and reconciling. His love is always made manifest not just with words but through actions. And His love never makes a distinction between who is worthy of it and who is not.
At the Joseph House, we conduct a variety of ministries and perform a service to the community — and loving one another is at the heart of everything. We try very hard to love as our Lord loves and to make each person who needs help feel cared for and valued.
Thanks to your support, we and our volunteers and staff have the opportunity to do that every single day. We treat people exactly as you would yourself. Let’s take a look at the past year to see what we did together, first at the Crisis Center and then the Workshop:

The Joseph House Crisis Center – 2024 Figures
- 2,146 checks and payments were issued for vital needs — a 27% increase from 2023. Our assistance was frequently used to prevent evictions and secure rental housing, to pay for emergency motel stays, to stop utility cut-offs, and to purchase prescriptions and health care services. We help with anything necessary as long as the need can be demonstrated.
- 5,138 bags of groceries were distributed from our Food Pantry. An average of 401 households, representing about 929 individuals, received food each month.
- 7,107 meals were served in our Soup Kitchen. After being closed during the pandemic and then on a reduced schedule for a while, our Soup Kitchen is back to its regular hours.
- 6,703 sign-ins were recorded at our Hospitality Room for the Homeless. We provided food, laundry services, showers, emergency clothing, toiletries and personal care products for men and women experiencing homelessness.
- 266 new winter coats were given to children.
- More than 15,000 pounds of food were collected at our Thanksgiving Food Drive.
- 646 gift bags for children were given out at Christmas. Each bag had two large gifts, multiple smaller gifts, a book to read, an activity book or game, and clothing items for cold weather, such as a hat, gloves, scarf, and socks.

The Joseph House Workshop
The Workshop is a residential program for men who were homeless. Staffed 24/7, the Workshop provides a supportive place to live and opportunities to develop the life-skills needed for employment and independent living. The Workshop is next door to the Crisis Center on Boundary Street in Salisbury.
Three men are currently in the program. Two are in Phase 1, which is classroom-based. These two residents were homeless because of substance abuse. In addition to their classes at the Workshop, they are participating in 12-Step meetings and other recovery programs.
The other resident is in Phase 2, which involves being employed. He recently passed the test to receive his driver’s license, and with the savings from his job at the hospital, purchased a car and is now driving himself to work.
Here’s another success story: a former resident who graduated near the end of 2024 has re-started his construction company, purchased a van, and is living in his own apartment. Our program gets results!
It is our joy to accompany the residents as they grow into their new lives. Nick, the Director of the Workshop, told us, “The residents here are so grateful that this place exists. They appreciate the opportunity to get their lives back in order and learn how to keep them in order.”
Now in its 20th year, the Workshop is changing lives for the better.
Your support also keeps the facility in tip-top condition. As part of its ongoing maintenance program, in 2024 a new well was dug for the Workshop and a water filtration system installed.

The end of the year is always extra busy with activities that support the work of the Joseph House. We would like to give special thanks to:
- Bonnie Luna and the Magi Fund Committee for another spectacular Magi Concert.
- All the local Knights of Columbus councils that help in so many ways, e.g., supplying and helping to distribute winter coats for children, assistance with food drives, Christmas toys and other projects.
- St. Francis de Sales Parish for giving so much toward our holiday needs and being generous throughout the year.
- Jim and Bernie Greene, Spicer Bros. Construction and Coast Country Cares for organizing, sponsoring, and promoting the Thanksgiving food drive.
- WBOC-TV and the Bless Our Children Campaign for their help with our toy drive.
Of course, this list is not exhaustive. These activities, not to mention our regular ministries to those in need, depend on contributions from countless people. God calls each of us to do our part because He knows that each gift makes a difference. It all adds up. Every gift is a gift of love, and that is what really matters. You are all very important to us.
Both the Crisis Center and the Workshop have been in operation for decades. The need is there and so is your support, and that gives us the means to keep going. We give thanks to the Lord for you every day!
Your Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary
Prayer Requests: Send us your special intentions and the Little Sisters will pray for you: Contact Form.
Donations: Your contribution will help people in need: Donate.

A lot happened during 2024. Did you miss any of these stories?
Video Interview with Sr. Virginia and Sr. Marilyn
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Little Sisters [Photos]