Record Amount Collected at Food Drive

The Salisbury Neighborhood Food Drive, held on November 18, 2023, netted the largest amount in its history: 15,900 pounds!

Bernie and Jim Greene once again organized and led the effort, which they have been doing for 36 years.

Prior to the Food Drive, grocery bags are distributed to households across Salisbury. On the morning of, a truck drives around and volunteers pick up the filled bags that are left out front.

Once the truck has finished its route, it heads back to the Joseph House Crisis Center where more volunteers sort all of the canned goods and imperishable food items into bins.

It’s a labor-intensive operation and we are so grateful for everyone who helped.

We want to thank Bernie and Jim and their family, all the volunteers, and all the people across our community who donated food. Your efforts have re-stocked our Food Pantry so the Joseph House can continue to serve hundreds of needy families on the Delmarva Peninsula.

May God bless you!

I was hungry and you gave me food. (Mt 25:35)