
Remembering Dave Pogge

We were saddened to hear that Dave Pogge, former president and CEO of Mountaire, died on August 26. Dave was a friend of our community and a generous supporter of the Joseph House. In fact, we have Dave to thank for the Joseph House Workshop. He did many other things for us as well. Sr. Marilyn fondly remembers:

Dave Pogge introduced Sr. Mary Elizabeth to Ronnie Cameron, the gracious, Christian owner and founder of Mountaire Farms (Ronnie sent Bibles freely to many areas overseas). Ron always gave his full support to Daveā€™s relationship with Joseph House and Sister.

Dave arranged for the total gift of the Joseph House Workshop building and helped with the renovation with a very generous donation. (This first came as an earlier corporate donation to the Joseph House thru the MAGI Fund). It was a daunting project. Interior walls and a drop ceiling had to be built within the empty warehouse space. Then it needed to be outfitted with plumbing, electrical, heating, and ventilation systems.

Then, also with the blessings of Ronnie Cameron, Mountaire donated the Joseph House Crisis Center building and property (which they had acquired). They built a fence around it, paved the first parking lot area, donated a fork lift and later a truck, plus fixed our vehicles donated by them AND continued to donate chicken from Mountaire.

Dave became a good friend of Sr. Mary Elizabethā€”mutually admiring each otherā€™s wisdom, savvy, good sense of humor and business acumen. Dave also provided advisors to help our Board get underway when planning for the Joseph House Workshop. When it was time to open the Workshop, he made sure we had the manpower to move in the furniture.

Dave was an excellent carpenter as a hobby as well. Sr. Mary Elizabeth asked him if he would build her casket for her, an unusual request, but Dave took it on. Sisterā€™s request was for barn boards. The finished product was simple in design, and beautiful in workmanship and finish.

We stayed in written contact with Dave and his family after they have moved a great distance to Montana. He is greatly missed and gratefully remembered. Our hearts and prayers go out to his own family and the family of Mountaire. May he now share the wonderful embrace of Our Lord and all those loved ones who welcomed him Home.

First visit to the Workshop property, November 1998.
Renovation of the interior.
Mountaire converted the back end of the building into a storage area for our Food Pantry and supplied a forklift and walk-in freezer.
Presenting the deed to the property to Sr. Mary Elizabeth Gintling, April 2001.
Ribbon-cutting, June 2005.
Dave with Sr. Marilyn and Sr. Connie.
Sr. Mary Elizabeth getting a preview of her final resting place on earth.