Spreading Joy at Christmas

Every year before Christmas, the Joseph House Crisis Center distributes gift bags to hundreds of children in our area. Each bag has two toys, a few stocking stuffers, an activity or coloring book, crayons, pens, and pencils, and a knit hat for winter or a pair of gloves.
This is possible only because of the generous support of the community, including WBOC-TV’s Bless Our Children fund, Toys for Tots, and donations from so many people.
And of course, we are blessed to have hard-working and cheerful elves who help, not just during the big week, but starting months in advance with all of the preparation. It gets a little busy, but the smiles never end.
We are so grateful for all the love that is shared!
It is truly heartwarming at this time of year to relieve some of the burden from needy families and spread joy to children.
In the immortal words of Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol, “God bless us, every one!”