
The Gift of Music

On May 22, 2024, the Joseph House received a great gift — a memorable evening of classical music, performed at St. Francis de Sales Church in Salisbury, MD, as a fundraiser to support our ministries.

The hour-long concert included lively to intricate piano solos by Mozart, Chopin, Schumann, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff and Liszt. Three of the very accomplished pianists — Ethan Seman, Logan Heper and Peter Jin — are in their early teens, and Harrison Frey, Kaya Manizade and Stephen Carlton-Jones are in their 20s. We were also blessed with an encore by Bill Folger, head of the music department at Salisbury University and a deacon at St. Francis de Sales.

The performers taking a bow at the end of the concert.

Special thanks to Lyubov Paskova, piano teacher to five of the young men, for helping them to achieve such remarkable skill and virtuosity. And we also thank God for Kaya Manizade, who launched this beautiful event on behalf of Joseph House, and the Knights of Columbus of Council 3489, who helped make it a reality through their gift of time and support to all involved.

The concert has been posted on YouTube for you to enjoy.