Volunteering Makes A Difference

Our work at the Joseph House is like farming in that we plant seeds, although we don’t always see how they grow.
Once in a while, however, we get a glimpse of how a seed planted has taken root and flourished.
Carla used to come to our Hospitality Room off and on for a fair amount of time. She was homeless, and she would come to see us for food, a hot shower, and to get her clothes washed. Sometimes that is all people want when they come to the Hospitality Room, but Carla was looking for something more in life.
Fortunately, one of our dedicated volunteers, Jerry, was ready for her. Jerry is very skilled at helping people find jobs. He has the patience to work one-on-one with those looking for work. Jerry helps them put together résumés, search for jobs online, and get them ready for interviews. He worked with Carla, and then she was gone, off to find her place in the world.

But one day, out of the blue, he received an email from her:
“Hi jerry you may not remember me but you helped me do some job searches. I’m now employed, have my own apartment that I’ve been in for about a year and a half. Will you please pass the message to the sisters that I’m doing very well? The sister at the drop-in center on boundary street really took care of me. I have a lot of respect and gratitude for them all.”
A year and a half had passed, but Jerry and our staff made an impact on Carla that was not forgotten.
We firmly believe that even when we don’t see the results, every act of love will always yield something good.