
How Virtue Conquers Vice

Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Where there is patience and humility, there is neither anger nor disturbance. Where there is poverty with joy, there is neither covetousness nor avarice. Where there is inner peace and meditation, there is neither anxiousness nor dissipation. Where there is fear of the…

Newsletter: August 2019

Dear Friends of Joseph House: The Joseph House has been in Salisbury for more than 40 years. When Sr. Mary Elizabeth first arrived on the Eastern Shore, she was more or less a nomad, staying with friends and becoming acquainted with trailer parks. Her wandering came to an end in 1978 after she found the…

August’s Colorful “Fashion” and Simple Living

The following article is reposted with permission from La Vista Ecological Learning Center: Nature’s fashion turns to berries in August. Sumac fruits ripen to crimson. Wild black cherries ripen, starting out red before turning black-purple. Grey dogwoods’ bluish-white berries mellow through October. Wild grapes and elderberries’ purple coloring attract wildlife as they mature. Year after…

Newsletter: July 2019

Dear Friends of Joseph House: When we consider people in need—”the poor”—we may focus on how they’re different from us. Do we ever consider how we’re the same? Does that change how we want to respond to them? Our founder Sr. Mary Elizabeth once shared a story from the early days of the Joseph House…

Newsletter: June 2019

Dear Friends of Joseph House: The month of June is the turning point of the year. As we approach the summer solstice, the days stretch out with long hours of sunlight, while the darkness of night takes a temporary retreat. But for human beings, darkness isn’t confined to the night sky. Summer days notwithstanding, darkness…

Newsletter: May 2019

Dear Friends of Joseph House: We were talking not that long ago about what it means to be in charge. We laughed because being the “head honcho” is not always glamorous. In our line of work, it usually means you’re the one pushing a broom, cleaning up after everyone has left. This shouldn’t be too…