
The Value of Work

A good book opens with a good introduction, and the Bible has one of the best. The stately verses of Chapter 1 of Genesis reveal a truth to remember: God made the universe with coherence and meaning. We can easily imagine the inspired author of the text looking up at the nighttime sky with awe….

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Sooner or later, most of us will be in a situation where we don’t know what to say. We might be caught off-guard, or there’s something about the circumstances we’re in, or the person we’re speaking with, that ties up our tongue. It happens to just about everyone. Sometimes words fail us when we are…

Lessons of Nazareth

Nazareth is the village where Jesus grew up and lived with Mary and Joseph. For the Little Sisters, Nazareth represents an ideal for their spiritual lives. In the Gospel of John, Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the prophets, Jesus, son…

Religious Habit

Among other things, the Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary are noted for wearing their habit, a distinctive blue dress with a matching veil. Article 11 of their Constitutions states: An exterior sign of our consecration is the religious habit of our congregation. It must be worn at all times. Exceptions to this rule must…

The Poor One

René Voillaume, who helped to start the Little Brothers of Jesus, once gave a series of conferences about religious life. These were compiled in a book, and our founder, Sr. Mary Elizabeth, had the following passage underlined: “We must again consider what is implied by the notion of the ‘poor one.’ The poor person is…

2009 McCulloh Street

May 1, 2016 marked the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the first building known as “Joseph House.” It was a three-story row house with green-and-white-striped awnings at 2009 McCulloh Street in Baltimore. The house was a God-send. At the time, the nascent Joseph House ministry was operating out of the rectory basement of Immaculate…

Sr. Mary Elizabeth on “Mother Angelica Live”

Mother Angelica, founder of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), died on March 27, 2016, Easter Sunday. Born in 1923, she was a pioneer in religious media programming. EWTN was the first Catholic satellite television station in the United States. It began broadcasting on August 15, 1981. Today the network has 230 million viewers in…

A Prayer for Holy Week

The following was written by Rene Voillaume on Good Friday, 1948. It is part of his meditations on the “Way of the Cross.” With the Cross, Christ Jesus, You have taken into Your charge the whole of mankind, with all the weight of its weaknesses and woes and sins and death. Such is Your love…